Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day 58

Saturday 27th June 2009

Position 26deg 05min South, 178deg 15min East

Winds 10 to 15kts North Easterly, heading 230 true at a boat speed of 5 to 6 kts. We�ve had a reasonable day with a few showers � somehow this time the trip feels a lot slower and we are keen to be home. It�s a long way. We are looking forward to a more northerly wind shift tomorrow and an increase in boat speed. This dead down wind sailing under head sail although easy has an unpleasant motion, and the kids have spent most of the day sleeping with the lethargy that comes with a bit of sea sickness. Skipper Its true time goes quite slowly, it seems there are only 3 things to do on board, sleep, stare aimlessly at the empty horizon or cough up your guts overboard. Not quite, but the days just seem to plod by. Dads been great, picking up our slack when we sleep, and is reading Ella Enchanted to keep us entertained. However it is frustrating to know we will only be home in a week. I�d better find something todo or I might loose my mind :P Missing home a lot, although it is good to be with my family. Josh (with Emma over my shoulder)


  1. so sorry to hear of the loss of your yacht, thank goodness you all are okay. My thoughts are with you

    Kristin Percy (s/y Rumpus)

  2. Charles, I have just watched the video on the Herald site and feel really sad for you as I remember you proudly showing me pictures of your boat before you left. So very pleased to see you and your family are all OK which is of course the most important thing. Hope the trip had been great until that point. Look forward to seeing you safely back at work in due course!
    Regards, Jo Sinclair
