Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 38

Sunday 7th June

Position: Neiafu

Walked up to the Saineha Chapel again this Sunday and enjoyed their fast and testimony meeting. They had hymns that we knew this time, even if we did have to sing them in tongan! And it was good to see two rows of members, including youth, queueing up on the podium to bear their testimony � we could learn from their example! The children all went to their own classes and Charles and I to ours, and we all had friends in members who translated for us, so it was a very enjoyable day.

After church we took off for Port Maurelle, feeling culinarily adventurous, we peeled the yam we got in Ha�pai, chopped it into cubes, par-boiled it and then roasted it in oil in the oven. I also made an apple sponge in the oven, and a loaf of no-knead pressure cooker bread. Surprisingly it all turnout out well, the yam needed a lot of salt, but otherwise was crunchy like roast potatoes, the pressure cooker bread, despite being cooked on low heat for 45mins was not burnt and the apple sponge was delicious with long life cream � which, I discovered, if you put it in the freezer for an hour before serving turns into thick almost whipped-type cream. Charles then barbequed lamb chops off the back of the boat and, as we were ready to eat around 6pm, Kairos came in and dropped anchor. We invited them to join us and added salad, beetroot, corn, papaya and watermelon to our spread and they were impressed with our Carenza feast! They invited us back to their boat to watch a movie, the Privileged Planet, which rounded off our Sabbath beautifully.


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