Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 35

Thursday 4th June 2009

Position: 18deg 39min South, 173deg 58min West � Neiafu in Vava�u

Another overcast day, Charles is loving the cooler weather, the rest of us are looking forward to more sun. This morning we walked to Mt Talou National park, a hill overlooking the port of Neiafu. We walked past the King�s Vava�u residence and through the villages to reach the hill. The climb up the hill was aided with ropes tied to trees and the view from three different lookouts over the islands and reefs was well worth the effort. On the way back, we discovered a small dairy � they seem to be on every street corner, that sold the coldest cooldrinks we�ve had so far � shame the weather wasn�t warmer so we could really wallow in it, and a real bakery that supplies bread to the town. Their cinnamon rolls, baguettes and cheese bread was the best we�d tasted. Most of us are still suffering from Tongan quickstep, we don�t quite know what�s causing it and most of the time it�s manageable, but we only have on heads on board so we have to be quick about it! We treated a sore on Abby�s arm today which she thinks was caused from a bite or sting she received on the beach a few days ago, it�s gone septic, so we started her on antibiotics and drained it. Emma and Abbey from Kairos, made a delicious chocolate cake, while the rest of us walked south east of Neiafu exploring. Quite a few hotels and resorts have been reduced to rubble by fire, and it must have drastic impacts on people�s livelihoods, especially as there�s no insurance here. Other places stand unfinished and we wonder whether this is from lack of money or materials. Charles and I treated ourselves to supper at the Mermaid restaurant and enjoyed the company of other yachties, while the kids enjoyed NZ fish fingers from the local bulk foods shop where Bishop�s wife, Loisi, works.

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