Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 46

Monday 15th June 2009

Neiafu, Vava�u

Well today was really busy as we spent it shopping (who knew shopping was such hard work!) we had to walk all over town to get everything we needed as we can�t get everything at the same place. We had so many things to get like milk, flour, cokes (for dad!) and other essential items. The stuff was really expensive! Like popcorn kernels in a 250g bag was $8!!!! And chocolate $13 for a bar!!! CRAZY!!!!! So we shopped all day and carried huge watermelons and cases of coke back to the dingy (which flooded when we all got in � matt fixed it the next day!). Mum and dad treated all us kids to dinner at The Mermaid Bar we had hamburgers and chips which were REALLY good!!! We said goodbye to all our friends and then at about 10:30pm we upped anchor and left Vava�u to head south to the Ha�apai islands and ultimately back to Nuku�alofa, Tongatapu before leaving Tonga for home! Me and Matt�s shift was at 2-6 in the morning it was sooooo long we spent the entire time singing to songs and talking. It was fun till bekah nearly threw up on the floor. O well!! It was a good night.


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