Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 53

Monday 22nd June 2009

Nuku�alofa Harbour

The winds came up and the floods come down � we filled all our spare water containers from the rain. We kept threatening to drag our anchor as all the vessels are stern moored (Mediterranean style) in the small craft harbour and the wind was coming from our port side. I kept getting up and checking � in the small hours of the morning the first vessel dragged anchor into the vessel next to her � I got Matt up and off we went to their assistance, borrowed a danforth anchor from the next door vessel and joined a number of ropes and dinghied the anchor up wind into the harbour and then used this as a kedge to winch the offending vessel off the other. Then took out their main anchor as well. We then noticed another vessel in danger and found an old man on board who was battling to manage his vessel � he looked like he was having a heart attack but assured me that he only had a broken rib from a previous fall. Matt and I set his kedge and winched him off and set his other anchor as well. Then off to wake the crew of Soulmate to warn them that their vessel was running aground. We helped them reset their anchors. The rest of the day as spent trying to catch up on sleep, do some minor repairs and down load weather information from an internet caf� to start preparing for the trip home.

A pleasant evening was spent having drinks and a chat on Soulmate.

We�re exhausted and a bit apprehensive about the decision to sail back soon. � I need a crystal ball that�s what I need.


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