Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 44

Saturday 13th June 2009
Port Maurelle

A bell started ringing in the village at 6.15am, at first we were surprised that it only rang about four times if it was meant to wake everyone up � we felt we could easily have slept through that, however, more bells joined in and they continued ringing on and off for about 10 minutes announcing the start of the day to everyone. Many churches a single bell under a covered area on the ground, but often empty gas cylinders suffice as bells.
We watched as lights turned on in the houses as it was still dark and the moon was still out. The bit that impressed us the most though, was that at 6.20am we heard numerous voices cheering joyfully, it only lasted a couple of minutes, we could only think it was a great way to welcome the new day. Abby and Joy felt that we should do that at home but, apart from the fact that it would take some practicing to get everyone up at the stroke of the bell, the neighbours might think we�ve finally gone nuts!! Joy and Tom were up early to snorkel the false entrance of the lagoon and discovered great snorkeling on the far side of the gap with wonderful coral valleys and plenty of reef fish. It was a beautiful sunny day and the water was warm at 8am. Em and Abby went back with Joy so as not to miss out, despite being asleep previously, they agreed it was worth getting up for. We left the Hunga Lagoon at high tide and made our way under jib to Sisia Island. This island is not far from Port Maurelle. It�s small and uninhabited and has a lovely beach on the western side. Here we stopped for lunch and snorkeled. Matt took Emma for some scuba lessons � She�s doing very well and can comfortably take her mask off and on etc at 15m, and enjoyed doing somersaults and handstands on the seabed! Rebekah finally discovered that she was able to stay afloat and swim in her snorkel and flippers out of her depth without her lifejacket. This was a pivotal point for her and she enjoyed snorkeling around looking at blue starfish, orange finger coral and beautiful coloured reef fish without being afraid. We�ve had a good day and are anchored in Port Maurelle for the night. Mum cut her finger during dinner preparations, so Matt finished off cooking a delicious butter chicken curry and Mum got waited on, which she thoroughly enjoyed. Matt also washed up � and we have the photo to prove it.


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