Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 49

Thursday 18th June 2009 19:00

Position: 19deg 56 min South, 174deg 43min West �Ha�afeva Island

The winds have not played ball with us. This morning we woke around 3am with the sound of rain � and no, we didn�t have the energy to put the rain catcher up (we should have and I regret it now) � The wind however had changed to the West and our cosy little anchorage in Uiha Island in 3m of water was, all of a sudden, not so much fun. With lots of shoal areas and coral heads, we were in no position to move, so sat it out and moved in daylight. The winds have swung around to the South West now and we have decided to sit out the night at Ha�afeva hoping for more favourable conditions in the morning. We hope that the winds will have moved to the South East but whatever we find, unless it�s a gale, we will make our way further south. At Ha�afeva we have swum again and done some snorkeling and the younger children have found some friends on the only other vessel here (a large cat called Twin Image). We definitely feel like we are making our way home � we were last here a month ago.


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