Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 47

Tuesday 16th June 2009

Ha�ano & Uoleva Islands, Ha�apai

We arrived at Ha�ano Island, the most northerly island in the Ha�apai group around 10.30am. Excellent snorkeling was found in the bay with beautiful coral and plenty of fish, and we explored the island around the beach. We wished we had more time to stay, but we were keen to keep going further south to find an anchorage for the night. We caught a small tuna on the lure on the way, and are looking forward to sushimi tomorrow. We arrived at Uoleva Island around 4pm and went ashore for a walk on the beach, exploring the other end of the island from the previous time we were here. This island has the most beautiful sandy beach running all around the island and is your typical tropical paradise. We found a fabulous new resort there, Serenity Beaches, run by an American lady Patti and a Tongan, Semi. They have five beautiful Thai-style fales that look out over the beach on either side of the island and a lovely main dining/social area. They advertise over the internet HYPERLINK "" and we were very impressed. A great place for a �get away from it all�, unsophisticated, but comfortable, romantic or quiet holiday. We enjoyed chatting to them so much, and being taken on a tour of the place, that we got back to the dinghy well after dark, fortunately we were the only yacht anchored off the island and Matt had put our anchor light on to guide us back. Charles had a wash off the duckboard before tea, but wished he hadn�t soaped up after seeing things that glowed in the dark in the sea! It�s different from phosphorescence, they looked almost alien, round or oblong things that would glow an eerie blue every now and again, out in the sea, we haven�t discovered whether they�re fish or jellyfish, anyway, it was the quickest wash he�s had yet � he didn�t spend a second longer in the water than he had to!


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