Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day 6

Wednesday the 6th May 09 19H00,
Position:26degrees 04min South and 179degrees 35mins east
A day essentially with out wind. We know that the yachts behind us have winds up to 30 knots. There's a front behind us & we can see the cloud and there's a stationary one ahead  & more cloud  & we have a soft breeze from the south east alone with a big swell from the winds behind. We have only managed to do 90 nautical miles today, really pathetic and that includes some motoring when charging batteries.

We hoved too for about an hour to have a swim & the water is beautifully clear and warm 24 degrees now. I am however a little frustrated at not moving and a little worried about going to Minerva reef . I am afraid that the swell might prevent entry because at present it is not from the expected South East. We have decided to just continue and have a look. Presently boat speed is a paltry 2kts.


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