Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 23

Saturday 23nd May 2009 19:00

Position: 19deg 26min South, 174ded 18min West � on our way to Vava�u

Tom noticed a man in a red t-shirt on the shore, waving. The upshot was that we (plus others from the other vessels) accompanied him � tour of the village, fresh drinking coconut straight from the tree (now this was truly nice and I enjoyed it immensely) We visited his home and was a little sad to see a dog that had been recently been dispatched being prepared in their cookhouse. We collected Yam, Papaya, bananas, lemons � did some negotiating and made our way back to the shore � the whole exercise having taken a few hours. Matt in the meantime had caught another fish with Abby from Kairos. Matt fried his half of the fish and shared it with us for lunch. We said our goodbyes to the vessels in the anchorage and left at about 3pm. The intent was to catch the last of the South Easterly before the offending low from Fiji brought northerlies and finally westerlies to the area. So far we�ve been blessed with good moderate winds from the South East and minimal swell. The crew are tired having had a full couple of days.


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