Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 26

Tuesday 26th May 2009 21:00

Position: 18deg 39min South, 173deg 58min West � Neiafu in Vava�u

Another good day exploring in Neiafu. We have sorted our visa extensions, been to the market and stocked up on fresh provisions, a much better selection than in Nuku�alofa, although not much green stuff. We collected a tray of eggs, three small $2 watermelons, onions, cucumbers & ripe bananas (our others are hanging above the cockpit and are still green! Maybe this is why we haven�t caught much fish with all these bananas hanging everywhere!). Worked on the chart plotter on the LDS missionary transport vessel. And entertained Elder and Sister Wood onboard. The crew made their own dinner, rented a DVD to watch on the laptop and sent the skipper and Joy out. We had a thoroughly enjoyable evening at Vava�u yacht club with some of the other boats. I had a simple hamburger and Joy, fish and chips � both meals were delicious and our first meal out in absolute ages.


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