Thursday, April 30, 2009

30th April 2009

Last day on land.

Final fruit & veggie shop, stocking up on green tomatoes so they keep, cabbage that we'll wrap in paper and store in the dark, and eggs that we'll have to turn over every 3 days in order to keep them fresh so they last longer out of the fridge!

Then it's off to the boat to pack our small fridge and freezer and we're ready to go.

Once we clear customs tomorrow morning, there's no stopping til we get to Minerva Reef, we're not allowed to drop anchor in NZ after we've been cleared to leave - so there's no dropping in at Waiheke or Great Barrier to top up! This is it! It feels quite surreal, scary and exciting at the same time, and no one's sleeping very well! No doubt we will when the boat starts rocking - apart from those of us on watch of course!

Next post will probably be from on the high seas. Thank you for all your good wishes and 'fair weather sailing' prayers, it's appreciated.

...and a very Happy 85th Birthday to Granny Jo today!!


1 comment:

  1. Charles and family
    Sorry I won't be at the dock to wave you off, but we'll be thinking of you tomorrow morning (and every day until your safe return). Enjoy every minute of the experience.
    Best wishes
